RHIvival group exhibition the 24 of november 2008 at MottattoM

Group exhibition of sympathisants with a different way of life in order to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the mythic art squat RHINO (The RHINO has been evicted in July 2007)
Carmen Bayenet – icons (the pantheon of RHINO)
Juan Carlos Gomes – installation
Uta Richter – installation (In-Out)
Mirjam Landoldt – Photo
Marcel Miracle – Drawing
Estelle Germain – Drawing
Ousmane Dia – Sculpture
Philippe Reymondin – Drawing
Didier Béguelin – Photo (shows as well his book on RHINO)
Eugen Richter – Drawing
Favela Studio – Sounds
Paul Jennie – Drawing
Jean-Louis Perrot – Sculpture
Andy White: revolutionary songs